Pou 2017

This Pou was the first to use colours that directly relate to our school branding colours. Each colour represents a School Value; Self - Mauri, Connected - Whanaungatanga, Attitude - Ngākaupai, Respect - Kaitiakitanga, and Responsibility - Manaakitanga.

The spine that runs up the back symbolises how each Value is bound together to create a full and complete Year 6 tamariki, as they prepare to move onto the next learning stage in their lives. Each tamariki signed their name on the back, cementing themselves in that year as a member of this special Year 6 rōpu.

As per the continuing kaupapa of planting our native trees, the rakau surrounding this Pou has grown to fully encompass this kaitiaki. It can be found at the back of the field in the trees near the dental clinic. We encourage all Year 6’s of 2017 to come back and have a hunt and find their Pou.

Mauri ora.